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Ways You Are Holding Yourself Back From Making Pro

Jason Trammell | Sign-Up For Personal Fitness & In-Home Training Through Out the Portland, Oregon Metro Area

Ways You Are Holding Yourself Back From Making Progress In Getting Fit

  1. YOU ARE NOT TRAINING HARD ENOUGH - A muscle that is stressed in small doses adapts by growing bigger, stronger, and faster. Unless you follow a systematic training plan that includes progression and overload, you are just going through the motions. Good thing to do is experiment with different techniques to increase your intensity.

  2. YOU ARE NOT EATING ENOUGH - Tracking your food is important. A small portion of lean meat is about 25 grams of protein, a fists worth of starchy foods is around 40 grams of carbs and your thumbs equals about 20 grams of fat. The best way to bump up your calories is to add 2-3 daily meal replacement protein shakes. Add 2 sevings of whey protein and 2 tablespoons of olive oil with almond milk which is about 500 extra calories.

  3. YOU ARE NOT SLEEPING ENOUGH - Sleep is the time when muscle building growth hormone surges in the body. If you have trouble catching enough sleep consider avoiding caffeine and booze for as many as 6 hours prior to bed to improve sleep quality. Aim for at least 8 hours of sleep every night. If you are tired despite sleeping well, you may have allergies or sleep apnea and if so see your doctor ASAP.

  4. YOU DO TOO MANY EXERCISES - Bouncing between exercises to find which works best for you does not give you enough time to adequately test any of them. Pick from a short list of lifts that have proven to work such as bench press, squats, lunges, deadlifts, chin ups, rows. and incline press. Muscle growth and strength come from creating microscopic tears in the muscle cells that force them to grow back stronger, and requires doing exercises that let you use challenging weights.


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